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Welcome to Be Ready
Introducing the programme
Q&A about the programme
What happens if you lose your job while you're doing the programme? (2:18)
Important career questions to ask yourself
Exploring possible options
Introducing the options modules
Options workbook... The same (or similar) role/Same industry
Options workbook... A different role in the same industry
Options workbook...The same role with a change of industry
Options workbook... A different role with a change of industry
Options workbook... Moving into the gig economy...
Options workbook... Something completely new/a new business
Understanding your strengths
Discovering your strengths workbook
Strengths Video (2:06)
Building your personal brand
Personal branding introduction and workbook
Personal brand video (3:43)
Identifying and harnessing your network
Introducing the networking module
Networking video (3:32)
Network mapping template - who do you know?
Developing an impactful CV/resume
Introducing the CV/resume module and workbook
How to qualify and quantify your achievements
Downloadable cv/resume templates
Creating an effective online presence
Developing and managing your LinkedIn profile - the workbook
Accessing the job market
Conducting a job search - the workbook
A job search template
Working with recruitment consultants
Managing your stress and wellbeing
Introducing the stress and wellbeing module and the workbook
Stress and wellbeing video (3:31)
A grounding video for moments of stress (1:09)
Next steps
A summary of Be Ready, with our top tips
A grounding video for moments of stress
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